Want to make money selling Woman’s Shapewear? Fiorella Shapewear wholesale?
We currently offer wholesale pricing for bulk orders made by shapewear retail and wholesale businesses. We offer wholesale pricing for orders with a value of $500 or more, you can mix and match all items to reach this amount.
Please Fill out the form and a Wholesale Specialist will contact you whitin 24 Hours. We will be happy to answer any questions you have about our Brand ( Fiorella Shapewear ) and types of body shapers regular and plus size. In order to take part in our wholesale program, you must fill out the below form. Please note that our inventory changes daily, and any quote on Wholesale Shapewear in stock is tentative pending any additional sales.
By Hitting “Submit Form” You are Subscribing to our Wholesale Mailing List. We will call you back within the next 24-72 Hours to verify this information and then send you an email with all the information about our wholesale program and advantages.